1 Bedroom 1 Bath Upper Unit – Hollywood Hills West – 1722 Laurel Canyon Blvd
- Property type: Apartment
- Offer type: Rented
- City: Los Angeles, CA
- Zip Code: 90046
- Bathrooms: 1
- Property size: 1 ft²
- Address: 1722 Laurel Canyon Blvd - D
- Featuring: Centrally Located - Hollywood Hills West
- Assigned 1 car garage
- Hardwood Floors
- Onsite Laundry
Centrally Located – Hollywood Hills West. Upper 1 Bedroom 1 Bath, Hardwood Floors, Assigned 1 Car Garage, Laundry On Site.
- No pets (Service animals and ESA exempt).
- Excellent Credit Required.
- Renters Insurance Will Be Required.
(Not all appliances warranted on lease)
This home is for rent exclusively by Rossmoyne Property Management.
- Beware of any other individual(s) (even someone claiming to be the owner of the home) who might have directed you to schedule a showing — or might have scheduled a showing for you.
- Do not submit any application for this home with — or pay any fees or deposits to — any party other than Rossmoyne Property Management.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Rossmoyne Property Management 818-242-6825 - Applications and instructions can be downloaded at www.rossmoyne.com; $40 application fee per adult payable in cash, cashier’s check, money order or via Paypal to Rossmoyne Property Management; proof of current verifiable income required with completed application forms.
Cal DRE 00659141